Indoor plants remove cancer causing toxins from air

According to World Health Organisation, poor indoor air quality is responsible for 6.7 million premature deaths globally. As the majority of people spend most of their time indoors at home, school or the workplace, understanding and implementing new solutions to improve air quality is important.

A new study has revealed that plants can efficiently remove toxic fumes and cancer-causing compounds from indoor air and thus, leave you with better air quality in a short time.

The findings are being considered ground-breaking as this is the first study to show plants can clean up gasoline vapours. The researchers also showed that indoor plants can eliminate cancer-causing toxins such as benzene.

The study was led by University of Technology Sydney (UTS) bioremediation researcher Associate Professor Fraser Torpy, in partnership with leading Australian plantscaping solutions company Ambius.

The researchers found that a mix of indoor plants (Aglaonema, Peperomia, Syngonium and Scindapsus), was highly effective at removing harmful, cancer-causing pollutants, with 97 per cent of the most toxic compounds removed from the surrounding air in just eight hours.

Previous studies on indoor plants have shown they can remove a broad range of indoor air contaminants, however this is the first study into the ability of plants to clean up gasoline vapors, which are one of the largest sources of toxic compounds in buildings worldwide.

Source: Science Daily


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