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2024 April
7 countries are powered by 100 percent renewable energy
Nature has a Spotify account to raise money for conservation
Science highlights the benefit of consensual touch on mental health
Scotland proposes first ban on caging laying hens
Bee colonies are at an all time high in the USA
A simple method to reduce anger
4 day workweek is still a hit in the UK
Our brain is growing and it can help against dementia
Broccoli can prevent stroke
US bans import of hunting trophies from Africa
Dogs improve the sleeping quality of children with autism
A branch of the flu is dead
2024 March
Ocean exposure improves our mental wellbeing
Free wine for those who give up their smartphone at dinner
15 minutes of exercise can undo damage of working at desk
EU cracks down on unpaid internships
Finland is the happiest country in the world for the 7th year in a row
Marriage rates are up and divorce rates are down
Novel cancer vaccine for dogs offers new hope
Spanish is the happiest language
Germany have legalized cannabis
Giant pandas in the wild has doubled
Canadian woman sets world record for donating blood
Australia banned imports of vaping products
Biggest rhino relocation ever in Kenya
Scientists make Alzheimer breakthrough
2024 February
Peyo the therapy horse that helps cancer patients
Helping others can lower stress levels
New gene therapy allowed deaf kids to hear
Tomato juice kills Salmonella
Paris is going to triple parking charges for SUVs
Greece legalises same sex marriage
Average lifespan of a person with Down syndrome went from 20 years in 1980 to is 60 years today
Isolated Indigenous people as happy as those in wealthy developed countries
Singing or playing music is linked to having better brain health
Australia gives employees the right to disconnect
First ever rhino IVF can save the species
New Zealand to ban forever chemicals in cosmetics
Ecosia planted 200 million trees
2024 January
Sleeping with a dog allows people to relax
Staten Island restaurant employs grandmas from all over the world
Scientific benefits of adding more plant based food to our diet
UK charity gives chickens a better future
Blood test can pick up 18 early stage cancers
Tobacco use declines worldwide
Deforestation in the Amazon fell by 50 percent in 2023
Zero Jet Aircraft Crashes in 2023
New Zealand welcomes two kiwi chicks after 150 years
South Korea bans dog meat
EU Approves Ban On Destruction Of Unsold Clothing