11 minutes of brisk walking can prevent premature death

Perhaps most inspiring, the study’s statistical analysis suggests that 1 in 10 of all early deaths might be averted if each of us got up and moved even a little more than many of us currently do.

Walking for at least 11 minutes every day could lower your risk of premature death by almost 25 percent, according to the largest study to date of physical activity, disease risk and mortality.

Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the ambitious study analyzed health data for more than 30 million people, looking for correlations between how much people move and how long and well they live.

Its findings show that even small amounts of exercise contribute to substantial improvements in longevity and can lower risks of developing or dying of heart disease and many types of cancer.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge, Queen’s University Belfast wound up with 196 studies, covering more than 30 million people, making this by many measures and a hefty margin, “the largest” study of how exercise contributes to longevity.

Source: Washington Post


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