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Thailand's remarkable success, increasing the number of tigers in Thailand's Western Forest Complex (WEFCOM) from about 40 to more than 140, stands in stark contrast to the tiger's fate elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

Tigers disappeared from Java and Bali before the 21st century, and from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam by the mid-2000s.

We see very strong correlations between better law enforcement and the recovery of tigers," said Pornkamol Jornburom, Director of WCS Thailand. "Prior to this, illegal hunting and logging were rife in WEFCOM, and tigers were on a path toward extinction. Here, as elsewhere in Asia, good enforcement is the cornerstone of the tiger recovery process."

The news out of Thailand of a 250% increase in tiger numbers over 15 years is proof that the tiger can be saved but it takes long-term commitment on focused interventions. It does not happen overnight.

