FOMO is the currency of social media platforms, eager to encourage us to compare our lives with those of others. For each post depicting health, wealth, and happiness, we might pay with the discomfort and dread of missing out on something, often forgetting that posts are heavily curated presentations of “the good life.”
Conversely, the joy of missing out (JOMO) refers to unplugging from online life and reconnecting to simple pleasures in the present moment and has been touted as an antidote to the fear of missing out.
The benefits of embracing JOMO cannot be overstated. The fast and frantic pace of digital life threatens to drown us in information. For many of us, it feels overwhelming, unnatural, and unproductive. The endless distractions provided by being constantly plugged in can drain our social battery and lead to burnout.
JOMO encourages us to carve out time for self-care.
This is often the most difficult thing to do for those with demanding fast-paced lives, but it’s essential to stay well and to take care of others. It might be a solo nature walk, a warm bath, meditation, or soothing music — whatever makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
Source: Positive Psychology