German animal shelter adds pets on Tinder to increase adoptions

A German animal shelter is trying a new approach to find homes for abandoned pets: it is posting their profiles on dating app Tinder in the hope that lonely humans looking for love might also settle for the company of a cat or a dog.

The Munich Animal Welfare Association got an advertising agency to shoot professional pictures of 15 animals including a black-and-white cat called “Captain Kirk” that it put on Tinder.

After going on the dating app, users can see full bios for adoptable cats and dogs. If you swipe right, you’ve set a “date” at the shelter after a preliminary interview.

When choosing the first pets on Tinder, the thoughtful shelter and agency decided not to focus only on the young, cute puppies and kittens. They focused on the animals with history who were having trouble finding their forever homes.

“We hope that these animals really find a new partner, a ‘purrfect match’ in the long term and not just for a few weeks,” said Benjamin Beilke, who is coordinating Tinder communication.

“There aren’t only lonely souls among humans, but there are also a lot of lonely souls among animals.”

Source: Reuters


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