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Are you the type of person that will typically stay mad at someone for extended periods of time — maybe for too long? Unfortunately, studies have shown that not only are these grudges not doing you any good, they’re actually hurting your health.

If you’re looking to be a healthier person all around, start by learning to let go!

The physical burden of holding onto a grudge stems from being upset, disappointed, or angry on a frequent basis.

This chronic-anger will keep a person in what’s called a “fight-or-flight” mode where they experience a constant increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and immune response. Experiencing this often can eventually lead to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and depression.
 On the other hand, learning to let go and forgive someone will lower your stress levels and keep you in good health.

One method that we highly recommend is gratitude journaling. Gratitude journaling is a way to express and record things that you’re grateful for throughout your day. Check out our free audio journaling app Lid and start recording about what you’re grateful for.
