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Adverse effects of social media on mental health has become an important focus area, as it can change the way a person perceives oneself. The grass almost always does seem greener on the other side, and what’s happening on your screen can stress you out.

The pressure of perfection, cyber- image, and cyber – goals can become overwhelming. It can cause a conflict between the “virtual “and “real “ you, leading to frustration, confusion, and sadness. Peer pressure and trends of copying social media acts for attention can further reduce self-confidence and give rise to poor self-esteem.

The point to be noted here is that JOMO serves as a ray of hope for those who live in the fear that they might be losing out on so many things.

For example, during Covid-19, FOMO struck all of us really hard, when we were locked up in our homes. But if you practice JOMO, you will have extra time with your family, to yourself, and to plan thing, which you would let go of in the past.

The concept of JOMO is all about being content with where you are in your life. It simply requires you to stop comparing your life with others and worrying whether you are doing something wrong by being the way you are.

While FOMO takes us hastily to the internet to be part of the fleeting moments, JOMO simply allows you to:

  • Slow down
  • Appreciate human connections
  • Be intentional with your time
  • And say “no” to technology when it’s affecting you.

Instead of constantly trying to keep up with your internet “friends,” celebrities, and other public figures, JOMO allows you to focus on yourself in the present.

Source: Healthier Tech
