Lebanese Hospital Becomes First to Serve Only Vegan Meals

Hayek Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon, has identified a plant-based diet as a natural step along the pathway to recovery and optimal health, becoming the first hospital in the world to serve vegan-only meals to its patients.

The hospital launched this plant-based nutritional program on March 1st, deciding that patients should not wake up to meals that could advance the health issues that brought them to the hospital in the first place.

“Our patients will no longer wake up from surgery to be greeted with ham, cheese, milk….the very food[s] that may have contributed to their health problems in the first place,” Hayek Hospital wrote in an Instagram post.

“When the World Health Organization classifies processed meat as a group 1A carcinogenic–the same group as tobacco–and red meat as Group 2A carcinogenic, then serving meat in a hospital is like serving cigarettes in a hospital,” the hospital continued. “When adopting a plant-based diet has been scientifically proven not only to stop the evolution of certain diseases but also reverse them.”

Around the world, hospitals are adopting these practices. San Francisco, California is pushing towards a reduction of meat and animal products in public hospitals. The general move to cut out meat is being noticed by medical professionals who understand the nutritional value of meals that include lots of plant-based foods. Although Hayek Hospital is the only one that has completely stopped offering animal products, other hospitals and government institutions are making changes and moving to more plant-forward models.

Source: The Beet


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