Rembrandt Museum is opening a popup tattoo studio

Amsterdam‘s Rembrandt House Museum is opening a pop-up tattoo studio offering original designs based on Rembrandt’s artworks to attract a younger audience.

As part of the museum’s ‘poor man’s Rembrandt project‘, guests will be able to get a tattoo at Rembrandt van Rijn’s former home between 19 and 25 June.

These will be done by tattoo artists from the Schiffmacher and Veldhoen tattoo studio in Amsterdam, including Henk Schiffmacher, Tycho Veldhoen, Rupa van Teylingen and Timothy John Englisch.

The museum is offering various designs based on 17th century Dutch master’s artworks, including his original etchings and signature.

“Worldwide, more tattoos are sold than works of art to hang on your wall,” said Schiffmacher.
“An old tattoo artist once called tattoos ‘the Poor Man’s Rembrandt’ – a work of art that is more affordable than a painting by one of the old masters, but no less carefully executed and selected.

Source: BlooLoop


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