Tom lawton who works at the bradford royal

Tom Lawton, who works at the Bradford Royal Infirmary in Yorkshire, north England, has run 22 miles to work and back wearing a mask to help stop the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories around face coverings and to raise funds for charity.

He decided to run with the mask on, following his concerns for people with respiratory illnesses who want to wear a mask but are too scared to do so over false information.

He was wearing a pulse oximeter, a device that measures oxygen saturation, as proof and he recorded that oxygen levels never fell below 98% of what it would usually be.

Tom has also raised more than £2,400 for the Trussell Trust, a charity that works to end food poverty and supports food banks throughout the U.K..

Tom said: “There are obviously people who can’t wear masks for one reason or another, mostly for psychological reasons or PTSD, but everyone who can do so really should. My mask protects you, your mask protects me.“

Source: Newsweek


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